Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sick is the season

Can anyone tell me when a 5-month old's immune system reaches an acceptable level? Poor guy is back to his congested ways, has a serious cough, and sounds like a pot belly pig snortin' around the mud pit. I know it's the season for sickness especially for little ones, but man I feel sorry for my dude. I commend momma for sacrificing an abundant amount of sleep the last few days trying to get her boy comfy while I was either working or trying to earn a few extra bucks gigging. C'moooooon Spring!


Nonsense, etc....

- Maybe the NBA should embrace this product also.

- If you want me out of the will just say so dammit!

- The Spoonman cometh back!

- Today's "AM-drive-into-work-with-a-big-fucking-smile-on-my-face" JAM.


Happy 48th Birthday, Jim Carrey. May you still use Binaca the correct and only way.

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