Sunday, May 2, 2010

Doctor says I need a backiotomy

The concrete work for the new deck is complete. One 13hr day....48, 80lb. bags used....Thank goodness that shit is done! Absolutely imperative to get that part completed before the rain came. Now, we're moving on to setting the posts and well on our way to drinking cold frothy beverages upon it. Stay tuned.


"I don't want to be hostile and I don't want to be dismal, but I don't want to rot in an apathetic existence."  
(Tool, Intolerance)

- Michael Scott could be clocking out for the last time?

- My dog tries to hump both females and males. That doesn't mean I'm going to go out and buy him a Perez Hilton bejeweled collar. Ignorance at it's finest.

- Seeing Phish Live in 3D while trippin' acid is always a hell of a lot better than seeing Phish Live in 2D while trippin' shrooms. Just sayin'.

- I've come to the conclusion that bad hair + too much leather + token family members with no skills = more awesome television.

- Today's, my-yard-was-already-a mud-pit-but-now-we've-added-some-runover-concrete-for-character JAM.

One again another Hollywood starlet gets dumped. We've got serious 'tofo' problems as a society when Halle Berry can't keep a man. My buddy, the north star, is getting highly aggravated.

The renaming of Soy Milk is complete. Thanks to all for sending in your requests, but the winner comes from the Fox 5 news team. (Drum roll please........)

Postage WIN.

Did you know there is a Cadbury Icecream Land theme park? So there's one "holy shit!" response right there. And for your second "holy shit!" response, there's this:

So you call yourself a big game hunter? Well, maybe you do.....Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Quan Cosby knocking somebody's head off to help make way for Jordan Shipley. I wish Chad would do this more often.

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