Those were the bag of Fritos I had today for lunch. Lightly salted. I'm all about cutting down some of the sodium in my diet, until I actually have to eat something with little or no salt in it. Actually, this might be the first time I've ever tried it. I now know why salt is used in food. I believe it's called flavor. As in, food without salt in it or draped over it, has none. Say it with me now, flaaaaayyyyyvvvvvoooorrrr........(the alternate spelling adds character). So, that's what I gathered after crunching on those little strips of yellow cardboard.
I've gathered up some random bangin' links for ya on this fine Monday. Instead of embedding videos and posting pictures directly to the site, you'll just have to read through my snarky, sarcastic, and sometimes (ok, all the time) just plain boring sentences with the links attached. Per the usual. Sorry.
(Tip: if you right click the link and select "Open in a New Tab" the link will open without taking you away from your 'Yeah Really' fix. Who has time for the "BACK" button anyway?)
- The 'Barefoot Bandit' has been
caught in the Bahamas. The Bahamas has to be the worst place in the world to be told that you are under arrest.
- This new book can supposedly
sharpen your BS detector.
- To the local flea markets: I'm sorry, but I'm now buying all of my t-shirts
from here.
- ....and to all the Target stores: I'm sorry, but I'm now buying all my kid's clothes
from here.
- Thank god nobody submitted a picture of my deck
to this compilation.
- I have to admit, when I went off to camp for one week as a kid I got home sick. I wanted to call home so bad and they finally let me after much reluctance on their part. It was like having that one 5-minute phone call from jail with the prison guard looking at you pointing to his watch. Of course, that was after I had to get a signed affidavit from a fucking state official allowing it. Pricks. But I swear to you,
this letter was not from me.
- The Food Network is a staple in my house. Wifey loves it. I can tolerate it. Not everyone on their looks like Paula Deen though.
Here are some that don't.
- Now, if you submitted a picture of my dog to
this compilation then it would be justifiable. He acts like there is fire coming out of that damn hose.
- I wonder if some prostitutes save up their "earnings" for future dental work. In this economy, bad teeth
could be a real deal breaker.
I got nothing for this.....
- 'A
merican Association For Nude Recreation'. Yep, it exists and they are in the business of setting records.
- Here are you
- Have fun
with all of that, Sheila!
- Today's, yes-they-haven't-been-relevant-since-the-mid-90's-but-they-still-have-to-pay-the-bills
Good day.