Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hip hop ain't dead fool

 In fact, it just got a breath of fresh air thanks to a Liza Minnelli look a-like and a sure fire chart topper, 'Dad Life'.....

With an 11.5 month old and another due at the end of December, you can go ahead and lump me into this category. Except for the whole socks with sandals thing. This daddy don't roll like that.

I have no idea what the hell this is, but it looks like it came right out of some Spinal Tap porno rendition. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


"Farewell Mr. Potato Head!!  Although you were only in our house from Christmas to February, you will be missed, but rest assured, the smell of burnt plastic shall linger forever.  My two year old threw him into the gas fireplace.  He started to melt, rolled out of the fireplace onto the carpet nearly burning the entire house down." From: shitmykidsruined

- YR

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